DevOps is s a software development method that stresses best practice that automates the processes between software development and Information Technology. This connection helps address the conflict between developers and operations and aims to more closely bring together both teams in a more collaborative manner. Developers want a fluid and changing system. Operations on the other hand want stability. When it comes to Software development, customers want features and they want these deployed fast. But sometimes the operations team that look after the infrastructure can’t keep up to provide what is required for these new features.
Lets use an example from outside the I.T world. Lets say the Designers of a new Swiss army knife have 2 teams. One team of designers responsible for equipping the Swiss army knife with features and the other responsible for ensuring quality. there needs to be good balance between quality and features to avoid the release with too many features with risk that certain components may break upon first use. By having a good balance you can ensure a quality product with the features to ensure the products sells. DevOps ensures that software features are released with an infrastructure and platform built to cater for the software.
Benifits of DevOps
DevOps can provide several different business and technical benefits, many of which can result in happier customers. Some benefits include:
- Improve deployment frequency
- Faster resolution of problems
- Faster delivery of features
- More stable operating environments
- Achieve faster time to market
- Faster, better product delivery
- Faster issue resolution and reduced complexity
- Greater scalability and availability
- More stable operating environments
- Better resource utilisation
- Greater automation
- Greater visibility into system outcomes
- Greater innovation
- Lower failure rate of new releases
- Shorten lead time between fixes
- Improve mean time to recovery
- Improved communication and collaboration
Concept of DevOps?
There’s been a lot of talk about what DevOps is and is not, but the recent consensus is that DevOps is primarily about culture. In a DevOps culture, all participants in all phases of the software delivery lifecycle align around a shared goal: the rapid delivery of stable, high-quality software from concept to customer.
From the development side, it integrates concerns ranging from product design to code development. Developers have a greater hand in controlling where and how their code is deployed. From the operations perspective, DevOps covers a range of concerns, from the platform and infrastructure the product runs on to security. The overall effect is to allow greater communication and integration among areas of application development and maintenance that formerly were separated.
Along with creating culture, devops focuses on the automation of the software development process. Automation enables organisations to deliver software more quickly while ensuring operations can have confidence in what is being deployed, and customers get the quality, security and stability they require.
The DevOps lifecycle
DevOps Lifecycle can be broadly broken down into the below DevOps Stages:
- Continuous Development
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Testing
- Continuous Monitoring
- Virtualization and Containerization
These stages are the building blocks to achieve DevOps as a whole.
DevOps is here to stay
DevOps is here to stay and for some very good reasons. DevOps can be successful in integrating business users, developers, test engineers, security engineers, and system administrators into a single workflow focused on meeting customer requirements. Developers and system administrators start supporting each other, and create a better culture within the overall team. Business managers are happy because they get the software products that they need to sell products and services. Executives watch their beloved dashboard metrics, revenue, customer satisfaction, system reliability heading steadily north. And everyone is able to deliver the best results and overall experience possible to the customer.