The newest version of Windows 10 lets you store your clipboard history and recall a previous copied entry with a simple keyboard shortcut of the Windows key + V. You can now copy + paste up to 25 saved items. No more having to only copy/paste one at a time!
How to Enable:
1. You can simply pres the windows key and V and you can then press enable.
Alternatively, click the Windows Start icon at the bottom left of your screen and search for Clipboard, selecting Clipboard Settings:
2. Turn on Clipboard History:
How to Use the new feature:
1. Copy items as per normal (eg Ctrl + C or Right click + Copy)
2. To Paste click the Windows key + V
– A small window will pop-up with the most recent item at the top of the list
– Left click on the item you wish to paste
Note: Oldest item in your list will disappear when you hit 25 items